Александр Иванов, основатель блокчейн платформы Waves Platform - Максим Спиридонов, 2017



Предоставляю вашему вниманию книгу Александр Иванов, основатель блокчейн платформы Waves Platform,автор - Максим Спиридонов.
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Категория: О бизнесе популярно752
Издательство: ООО «Центр онлайн-обучения Нетология-групп»

Описание книги:
How is blockchain structured? Is it legal in Russia today? How does this technology promise to change the digital and real world? Interview with the guest: - Is blockchain popularity today a tribute to fashion or the beginning of a quiet revolution? - How can blockchain be useful to business and society? - Why are banks afraid and love blockchain at the same time? - Is the technology so reliable as its adherents say? - How is an ICO different from an IPO? - What business opportunities does the Waves Platform provide?

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