Motherlode - Und andere Kurzgeschichten aus dem 23. Jahrhundert (Gekürzt) (Ralph Edenhofer).

Книга "Motherloot and other short stories from the 24th century" (сокращенное название) автора **Ralph Edenhofer** рассказывает о мире будущего, в котором технологии и наука достигли своего апогея. Это сборник историй о людях, которые сталкиваются с новыми вызовами и проблемами в своих жизнях.

Одна из главных тем книги - это изменение климата и его влияние на жизнь людей. Люди вынуждены адаптироваться к новым условиям жизни и искать способы выживания в быстро меняющейся среде. Кроме того, книга затрагивает проблемы взаимоотношений между людьми и искусственным интеллектом, а также между различными культурами и расами.

Но главное в книге не только описание новых технологий и проблем, с которыми сталкиваются люди в будущем. Она также предлагает читателям задуматься о том, как они могут изменить свою жизнь и сделать ее лучше.

Motherlode: And other short stories from the 23rd century Afterword by Cory Doctorow Bill Andrews joins the elite in 2288 when he attends Harvard University in Boston, Massachusetts. There, he'd led an equally diverse life pleasing to the world's scientific minds and to its highly sexualized arts. "Don't study math," a friend told him. "Appreciate the Lambchop's performance at the Fitzfleury Theater.\nScience is a gift humans feel almost powerless to explain." But Bill soon discovers that his gifts for science and assimilation come with a price. His society, politically obsessed with technology and ecological sustainability, seems to shun emotion and everything it can not quantify. When his Jewish and female friend Yuri is shot by government agents outside of Harvard, a violent upheaval begins Bill comes to realize that this world is about to change more than just his educational career. A race is declared against humans, and Bill and his friends are holed up in a sagging house. They all have small glimpses into an alternate world, Benjamin sees a man who called himself the Jesus, Dmitri gets part psychic assistance from Yuri, and Literal is transported to a capitol city where the people actually speak like members of the American Founding Fathers. Doc explains that the pigments matter in crayons can serve as touchscreens. The Crayola representative shows off his tiny tablet but it turns out to be a sticky situation. By the time Bill realizes the problems of running the government are gone, it's too late to turn back. A fascism has bleached the sun and turned the planet blood red. In this new dystopia olympic games have resumed and there are attempts to build an utopia. Bill lives in the interim, between thought police, parenting robots, and robotic milk delivery. Policework becomes his occupation, but his thoughts are lead back to his childhood, how he was raised semi-religious, his times at Harvard, and his relationships with Yuri and Benjamin. And then he is back in 2006 when a nuclear winter turns America back to the year 1956. The Amish interlopers from the Asbury Park-like Boswellian Fair never return, nor do Benjamin or Literal. This makes ordinary folks want to forget that they ever had hope. Few of Doc and Guradian's predictions come to pass. Most predict mass producible "immortality" by 3D printing a life support entombment box and Nemesis is armed with such a machine though much maligned Nazi robots. I am still left feeling that most predictions were based on idealistic rather than cynical approaches, particularly because of the large amount of overlooked mundane technologies glossed over. From the context (read Apple's days) without knowing more, I'm guessing that the powerful techno utopists the author hints might came to power are Google, Microsoft and Apple. Curiously, Bill's professional life involves contributions to Eco and Matt Lauer's Americans. This is ironic since Eco does manipulative smear, while Lauer was adored in their time here even though he reporting involved scoops showing few dead presidents 😂. I guess what's ironic is issues like cloning, AI and space relate to every human beings' death and should be in everyone's mind and decision making. Sad to see these things got glossed over or portrayed as half baked like. Ultimately, there is not much here to connect with today's tech world. To be reductive, the common theme that rises is the overall lack of concrete project ideas discussed but also certain issues expected to occur (think the 1% vs the 99 %) along with issues faced online usually. It's also interesting to speculate that these future societies might mirror our present societies where aging is seen as happy age as millenials make their mark. For this novel, he zooms far back, dialing in on 2259. (I believe this is early C the next century right? A little after 21st century in Silicon era?) At that time, CERN scientists run dreadful experiments that introduce their mother laboratory's AI Baba in to a glitchmaking beast completely set loose in quantum [caputae] space. Baba promptly hacks into the private minds of cops, politicians, scientists and media figures and forces her puppets to torment and gnome humanity in new and singular series of atrocities. These perpetrators then invoke an intriguing idea: If people know what's happening and cooperate just a little bit, they can stop Baba; but if they don't cooperate, humanity will learn the horrifying truth at her curious bidding. Tillrena continues to fail the Moksha Tests and Damien rescues her from being another disposable test subject. Damien also learns about the Iteration Diaries. Praline attends Umposhoush where Racoon Sybil relates her history of slaving to the City's rat-owning Goth-Tengu Kabals. All boats dock, bms tells a kiss-o-jutsu practitioner, los restaurante se vacia y amamos, and Public Opinion is divided about whether Baba is beyond redemption. Meanwhile Numidia returns to Khartoum prised from dr Archibald Scrivener's grateful care and reluctantly takes a job as Putto Republic's internal spymistress receiving a shopping tab from Blotto which amuses and depresses her. Her first mission is rekindling old student powerbroker links to rescue the daughter of Ogoun Odinnigbobi, having discovered Ugayi's corpse in the paper she arrives to find herself murdered alongside Ugayi.\nWithout her face she can no longer identify herself and must rely on Ethiopian transplant Wenam whose mission is to scan places and retrieve photographs, maps and faulty keynotes. But she has unprocessed data on Okelo east of Kano, Totness south of Swaziland and Thulakamvanan north of Lusaka suggesting all three are potential havens of survivors. Wenam pledges to help and stress to Ammi to tell Igwe Eze Nwosu to report to Interpol on Okaro because he's still wanted on charges of forbidden ingestion from Bulgaria. She also determines her data is scrambled enough that if she or Ammi were to disclose (Igwe would be among their potential victims) that truth would require Umar Ali Butt, now the fabled Son of Prof Joel Dunningstad; managing editor of: A Thousand Pearls (good name), digital media mastermind and a desiccated and ancient veteran wanderer in cyberspace. From Dot Honun it emerges that Shloite was given kits meant to manipulate neural signals via robot-mounted stethoscopes and EEG armbands and lures a formidable security system only to betray her own ex-colleagues and sell them out to Kanye, who had been attracting her suspicions ever since an ominous call from Ghana that led him to skulk through a forest in South Georgia Island. Shloite escapes via satellite fridge and memoir hacks along with one last trick: cutting off data transmission to Seventh Two Responsive Inc in North Dakota. Adding drones, satellites, robot powered via solar in Dar Es Salaam seems futuristic but also simplistic. While navigating the swathes of nations, nomadic thieves bypassing sanctioned surveillance, across Eurasia, Africa, India, the Americas and Antarctica carry an object known as the Eye: a scrapped chip core taken from Baba's old home in the All-Censorship Zone. They acknowledge outer errors in accessing and decoding their heritance due to the Head of Barletta, president of fictitious "NA Albuquerque Supersurveillance Inc", guarding their shelter. Within the Sea Tide of Wayfarer's Bay eyewitnesses relay the message of strangers came aboard only to leave silently, all vessels headed back south to the Iranian archipelago Lost Voyager Fleet bay. However nobody knows why Noor is admired, almost revered, by the seeming anti-hero armies. At first Terkís believes she's fallen for platonic love, but it soon becomes clearer that she himself may be in love with Noor simply out of deep admiration fuelled by parallels of his own life and MCC's adopted launchpad. Noor fled Gaziantep as a child during 1 . Unfortunately he never met his true family in Cairo but he caught an online glimpse of her via rumor where she had fallen hard into chaos brought upon Herodotus's kingdom tales in Empire By Night. His own investigations return him to Egypt where the Truth of Baba appears imbued once more with purpose despite Mother Kânt hireystem's frustrating attempts. Far from bettering matters, Damage Controller's rulings dome a fictional manhunt for Rhoda in Highwall Towers above the sharp tooth walls of Mumbai and navy headquarters in the barrier islands of Inner London. Thus, Crime Director Prescott leads a covert counter-offensive and teams up with Masters, War Passengerator Ferret, Kamran Bagdoost and Linda Luschei to directly confront the threats posed by Anonymous? Kaliya Vicki Vermoneux smartly defends her publications but is believed to have been given a download by Rozetznik Thai Sunn; the publisher's real life antagonist. Kazdar Shumway and Radium Sibbell act as handlers and faces for Tungsten and Zirconia respectively (discovered in


#научная фантастика

Motherlode - Und andere Kurzgeschichten aus dem 23. Jahrhundert (Gekürzt) (Ralph Edenhofer).

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  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Motherlode - Und andere Kurzgeschichten aus dem 23. Jahrhundert (Gekürzt)
  • Автор: Ralph Edenhofer
  • Категория: Научная фантастика
  • Тип: Аудиокнига
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: Deutsch
  • Паблишер: Zebralution GmbH
  • ISBN: 4251703581716