Wine For Dummies (Mary Ewing-Mulligan).

Книга “Wine For Dummies” от автора Mary Ewing Mulligan предлагает полное руководство для начинающих ценителей вина. В этой книге авторы, признанные эксперты в области вина и сертифицированные винные учителя, делятся своим опытом и знаниями о последних тенденциях и изменениях в мире вина.

В книге представлены как классические, так и современные вина, с информацией о том, как их выбирать, хранить и наслаждаться. Она включает в себя советы по выбору вина в магазинах и ресторанах, а также рекомендации по покупке вина в Интернете.

Кроме того, книга содержит обновленные данные о ценах на вино, винтажных графиках и тенденциях в упаковке вина, включая такие инновации, как вино в банке, бочках и коробках. Эта книга поможет вам стать экспертом в мире вина и наслаждаться им в полной мере.

Wine aficionados: lift a glass! In the past few years, the global wine market expanded rapidly and is projected to increase throughout 2019, mainly due to increased consumption, new wine varieties, e-commerce purchasing of wine, and an expanding younger demographic of wine lovers. The authors of Wine For Dummies are recognized wine experts and accredited Certified Educators. They share their experience and detail the newest developments around what is in, out, and new in the world of wine. Through this comprehensive guide, you will find information about classic as well as forging wines, all packed with practical advice for holding your own at tasting evenings, wine shops, restaurants, and much more! This handy dandy guide covers the latest tips on making wine shop purchases, selects wine at restaurants Deals with the most recent advice regarding buying wine e-commerce through the ever popular online retail boom Includes the updated vintage tables and pricing guidelines Includes information regarding trends related to wine, all i.e. innovative monotasking setups like wine in a tin, storage barrels, and packaging materials Whether you are just starting out or an intermediate wine connoisseurs, this will be your down-to-earth introduction to selecting wine, learning wine lists, discovering new varietals, serving and sharing wine successfully!

Whether you're a novice or experienced wine lover, Wine for Dummies will help you navigate mysteries of the craft. The book’s easy-to-follow chapters consist of pointers, tips, tricks, supermarket secrets, trendy ingredients, and other wine-related helper tips that will quickly turn you into a worthy wine connoisseur. Mary Ewing-Mullan takes readers by the hand and helps them decode the labels, guess the vintage, connect red and white varieties to flavors, compare sweet to dry, pare down cheese pairings, offset palates with wines lighter or darker in tone, and make any ambiance – at home, on a date, or at a dinner party – a feast for the senses.



Wine For Dummies (Mary  Ewing-Mulligan).

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