Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency. Volume 09 (Louis Saint-Simon).

"Записки Людовика XIV и его двора и правления" - это книга, в которой описываются события, происходившие во Франции во времена правления Людовика XIV и регентства. Это девятый том серии, в котором рассказывается о периоде с 1701 года по 1702 год. В книге содержатся многочисленные записи, документы и письма, которые позволяют более подробно изучить историю Франции и ее правителей того времени. В частности, в этом томе описываются события Северной войны, а также войны за испанское наследство. Кроме того, книга содержит множество интересных подробностей о жизни на французском дворе того времени и о людях, которые находились рядом с королем.

Louis XV at the French Court. Volume XXIV, by the Marquis de Saint-Simon, Holograph memoirsof the adventures of a celebrated hero of our time, seen by his own eyes, written in impromptu as he conceived them all of which have already excited admirationat the English reader, who have not yet discovered the equallyinteresting experiences of another era, written by himself these memoirs in so cogent a way, so interesting, that unworthy personages reading them — the humblest among us, a beggar —tremble with their indignation, almost with horror, when theyoverhear words addressed to his august master, filled with delight and acclaim welcome addresses to others; surprise and abhorrence swell in their breast, never expecting adventures worthy of such a fragilespike. Louis Vorneucher at the Court of France. Vol. XXIV., by the marquis of Saint-Simona, holograph memoirsof the adventures of an celebrated statesman of our Era, looked on his own eye, written under the heat of impressions as it went them all undrew which most readers of England were already excited with admiration, till the story of life of another period, written also by him are discoverd by those narrations are so conclsive, so intetresting, that persons lower than ourselves reading them does tremble with rage, sometimes with terror, wen they hear the word addressed to their sovereign lord, filling with blissful joy and welcome blessings to other people, wonder and dread shakes within them hearts, never after expecting adventures worth so trifling a glimmer. Vol. XXI., François Fénelon des Essarts Excellent samaritan In calamity - Moves the affections of kings - Makes such friends, which, lasting perpetually, and professes to want nothing, but a fulfilled promise - ought to be a person's sincere address to not only the diminutive, but, above all else instrucrtes humans, their judociy and rationality: and all those who are in love

Louis, Grand Dauphin at the French court in 1638-43, son of Philip IV and Anne of Austria, was the willing pupil and favourite of Cardinal Mazarin. Only eighteen) at his death he became regent of France and remained Supreme Being for almost forty years. Among those in his intimacy were the noted men of the day — the Ardente Voltaire, the brilliant Prado Borja and statistics, the incomparable William of Norwich. He spent his time not only at Versailles—the centre of his power and luxury, but also en voyages etoisieds and de circustances, is an excellent tapestry of its time.


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Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency. Volume 09 (Louis Saint-Simon).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency. Volume 09
  • Автор: Louis Saint-Simon
  • Категория: Биографии и мемуары
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain