Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency. Volume 15 (Louis Saint-Simon).

Книга "Мемуары Людовика XIV и его двора и правления регента. Том 15" - это исторический документ, который описывает правление французского короля Людовика XIV и его двора, а также временное правление регента после смерти короля. В книге содержатся воспоминания современников о жизни на дворе, политических событиях и культурной жизни того времени. Том 15 является одним из многих томов, в которых описывается период правления Людовика XIV и история Франции в XVII веке.

Volume 10 of the 21-volume history of Saint-Simon, written under the pseudonym "M. de Toves," recounts the reign of Louis XIV through a series of chapters entitled "Mmshhh" (as for the preceding bruited phrase) with headings whose acronyms add up to the acrostic which begins the title of the volume: LES MB£. CH PDR ("Les memoires du roi sont une mплеe chargee pour le spectateur de la cour.") The book takes the form of fictional memoirs by a fictional Marquis de Toves, authoring his account from behind doors at the court of Louis, the last King of France and Seventeenth century polygamist. Throughout his days as a merry professional companion to various young noble beauties, M. de Tovee—through sensible portrait sketches and other inclusions—attempts to capture the spirit of this unusually complex court. Sadly all traces of this endeavor largely vanish after eighteen passages which concern us here, from Marquise de Brinvilliers (whose memoirs have long been available on JSTOR through an embargoed republication) to Madeleine de Scuderi, secret confidante to Anne de Bretagne, Duchess of Orléans, and the services provided by her empowering sister Mme Peletier-Quinet during the troubled regency years of Anne and Phillippe. And of course, there is the Queen Regent, Anne, whose memoir (creatively turned into a newspaper column) ranks atop every Philadelphia French importer's list of bestsellers responsible for driving up the price of thoroughbreds bred by Mlle Levadia Desormiatis, born dancer Luxemburg, and died the maid of honor to Louise "Lettie" Elisabeth Louise Vigerie De Ruvo de Craon, Madame Le Peletier. Note that all Madonnas have their great doubters (Sainte Celline, Newman, Marie Ghostman, Comte de Pontigny, etc.), accounts which would make more faithful narrators for a history as complexed as the pages we have before us. Champagne 555


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Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency. Volume 15 (Louis Saint-Simon).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Memoirs of Louis XIV and His Court and of the Regency. Volume 15
  • Автор: Louis Saint-Simon
  • Категория: Биографии и мемуары
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain