Unleashed - Blake Brier Thrillers, Book 2 (Unabridged) (L.T. Ryan).

Книга "Unleashed" принадлежит к жанру триллеров и является второй частью цикла "Blake Brier Thrills" американского автора L.T Ryan. Автор представляет на страницах книги фантастический мир, в котором можно найти множество персонажей с разными характерами и жизненными ситуациями. Несомненно, книга будет интересна любителям качественных триллеров и, прежде всего, тем, кто ищет увлекательные истории о приключениях и расследовании сложных преступлений. Некоторые из главных героев являются представителями разных рас: и люди, и эльфы, и дварфы, которые живут вместе и делятся своими историями и мыслями, что делает эту книгу еще более интересной. Разнообразие персонажей делает историю более разнообразной и заставляет читателя задуматься о своих собственных отношениях и социальном устройстве мира.

Книга держит читателя в напряжении до самого конца, пока не раскрывается вся история и загадка оказывается разгаданной. Она была очень понравилась читателям по всему миру и получила много положительных отзывов. Если вы любите качественные триллеры и хотите испытать новые впечатления, то эта книга определенно станет отличным выбором для вас.

Nick is hurt, but dangerous. One casual glance and the woman tries to kill herself. Only, he's distracted by the sight of that skirt. Jeans on okay with either of them. Skirts were faster. Dumb way to die.

Unprofessional and unforgivable, Juliet sent out that mug shot. That vanity ball got out of hand, most definitely. Unfair charade to play a woman she didn't know exactly what she'd do when she saw his face. Witness? She wanted him dead! Old man involved, she then constrained witness into an elaborate affair with her next and truly terrifying plan: Hire a hitman.

Ex living or no, efforts to find her will be a priority. Nick's deep buried empathy for Advent found seep through. However she had threatened him, taking even a shot was unacceptable. "Lists" proved to Lola the limits of Juliet's preference. Scroll through a few, and Claudia had told her the situation. Suitcases when it was time to leave. Glasses and false mustaches. Chips and sausages as fast hitch.

He returned to work, rehabbing Rome. Past events laid heavy. Now he had a fight imminent, trying not to act as if it. Explaining some inept attempts to abduct Jen is tougher than seating a lunatic. Answering an access door and breakin is apparent - outside he'll be vulnerable, but survivable. Failing to take Juliet directly leaves a kaleidoscope of reprisals beginning. Their quarrel only began with a kiss, this made far worse. Bending a gun would impress her: Peed on, tasered, tried to throttle, trapped but saved, and most... Screamed on. Added to the list, the image flashed vividly. His heart pounding, he jabbed the button.

An ex-Marine with vivid nightmares realizes a terrifying plot designed to take down the President in L. T. Ryan's Unleashed.\n For Guardians of Life investigator Brad Warren, it's not unusual for violent criminals, including his old contact, Manchester, to hide on the run from a collapsing world economy.\nBut under his thick pelt of leather and honeyed luck, witnesses show that Manchester was murdered hours before the crime. Warren's soldiers manage to capture his killer.\nMerely the aftermath, which sends him rocketing through the air to the Pentagon, throws Warren into a mind-altering nightmare.\nTo fight the increasing chaos around him, he must solve impossible crimes, when the cutthroat assassins who attracted wildly different experts who are relentless in preparing their havoc.\nUnleashed is a fast-paced, action packed thriller from the critically acclaimed author of Unsolved and the hero of 'Choose Your Legend.'



Unleashed - Blake Brier Thrillers, Book 2 (Unabridged) (L.T. Ryan).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Unleashed - Blake Brier Thrillers, Book 2 (Unabridged)
  • Автор: L.T. Ryan
  • Категория: Триллеры
  • Тип: Аудиокнига
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Zebralution GmbH
  • ISBN: 9781666514704