Moby Dick (Unabridged) (Herman Melville).

Moby Dick by Herman Melville: A Tale of the Sea

The book describes a quest for revenge, pursued for eight years beginning in 1840 with the death of Ishmael and ending in the deadly whale hunt or Moby Dick.

Spanning each chapter of Moby Dick includes description of Ishmaels (Isaac) voyage through the South Seas, his "brainless" captain: Starbuck, and the foreboding destiny it brought on for Ishmael as he met Ahab and his obsession to kill Moby Dick so life goes beyond the hunt; Lazzary (Lazarus) succumbing to his wounds amidst the chase, whence Moby Dicks final defeat at the 100-foot monster; a personal rending, heartbreaking fall from vengeance as Ahab realizes Moby Dick was greater than himself, eventually turning back to mother church to celebrate his success: "Ahab's Voyage"

With each of these themes, along with settings the battle of ocean against manhood, the inner need to live or die; the sheer physical struggle inherent within even the boldest adventurers; an exploration into male relation, sexuality, the lure of woman (Isabella) and revenge; the dilemma of fitting into society with self-perceived failure; and Ishmael's wish to attain happiness and meaning through his suffering, Herman Melville penned the final, unfinished tale of his epic sea novel, rendering the very meaning and fundamental inspiration for what we now consider the father and pervasive staple of American literature: the Ship.\n- Wikipedia


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Moby Dick (Unabridged) (Herman Melville).

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