The War of the Worlds (Unabridged) (H. G. Wells).

The war of the worlds

This is a tragic story that illustrates the interpersonal relations within a society as well as its acceptance of facts determined by official authority. The protagonist of this book is Annie Guest, an Irish woman living in an early 19th century England, in the small town of North Wales bordering with the British occupied part of Berlin. Annie shows great confidence in her own spiritual strengths and amends for her emotional distress. It was through the radio that she hears about a spaceship crossing the sky over Manchester area and firing an atomic weapon on the earth causing earthquakes and floods.

With the support of some friend while suspecting British foreign policy to be responsible for the attack, Annie joins forces with a group of dissatisfied people to overcome the government's suppression of the news. With the help of science journalist, Hugh Bolitho, the truth is revealed when a rescue mission is mounted by the researchers. His urging to escape leads to group formation, only to face annihilation and death. Afterwards, Annie does a self-examination and coming to realize that it may have been a better alternative to play along with the official version and safety blanket instead of dousing out a possible solution.

Роман "Война миров" великого английского фантаста и публициста Герберта Уэллса впервые увидел свет 31 марта 1898 года. Написанный за считанные дни, этот мощный роман-предупреждение получился лучше многих произведений этого жанра и остается по-прежнему актуальным и год спустя после своего появления на свет.

Автор: Герберт Уэллс Название: Война миров: Неоконченное (The War of the Worlds: Unabridged) Издательство: Random House, Inc., New York.


#научная фантастика

The War of the Worlds (Unabridged) (H. G. Wells).

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