The Heads of Cerberus (Unabridged) (Francis Stevens).

'The Heads of Cerbuses' by Francis Stevens is a historical fiction novel set in the 17th century during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I and her favourite courtier, Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester.

In the book, the protagonist, Master John Barlowe, is appointed tutor to three noble young men hoping that he will impart knowledge and morals to them. However, his charge turns out to be completely different from what he had expected as his pupils are tempted by evil corruption by a scheming and ambitious nobleman, Edward Kentish, Count of Kent. Master Barlowe sees himself forced to take action and journey to the court of Queen Elizabeth to defend his right as a scholar and make claims on the treacherous Earl's viciousness.

Throughout the journey, we witness many instances of betrayal and courage. Many scenes offer a glimpse into the morality of the early modern court and the culture in which it thrived as the rich and powerful were supported through corruption, ambition and bribery. Within it lies romance, plot twists and unanticipated outcomes.

The narrative does not shy away from the subjectivity of politics, war and human nature which can lead to conflict and corruption. Stevens transports us to an era that has become well known for its unique ways. Set in a vibrant historical context, this epic fictional saga captures the essence of that time and influences the reader to seek wisdom and vision.

Величественные и невероятной красоты замки средневековой Европы, экзотические острова прячущиеся в теплых водах Тихого океана, богатые дворцы русской знати восемнадцатого-девятнадцатого веков. Вот места действия захватывающих приключений трех отважных женщин. Три абсолютно разные, и в то же время очень похожие друг на друга особы, волею судьбы покоряют самые неприступные крепости Колониального периода, распутывают клубок невероятных заговоров и интриг, и справляются с самыми безжалостными и опасными негодяями своего времени. Мрачные подземелья и прекрасные сады, головокружительные высоты и таинственные подземные ходы, все это родная стихия загадочных героинь известных под общим именем главы Черной Стражи.


#научная фантастика

The Heads of Cerberus (Unabridged) (Francis  Stevens).

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