The Chinese Yuan. Internationalization and Financial Products in China (Chan Thomas).

Книга "The Chinese Yuan. Internationalization and Financial Products in China" посвящена исследованию роли китайского юаня и связанных с ним производных финансовых инструментов. Автор обращает внимание на изменения, происходящие в этой области в свете финансового кризиса и на фоне укрепления китайских рынков капитала. Он опирается на свой опыт в качестве регулятора, чтобы предоставить ценные взгляды, идеи и информацию о производных финансовых инструментах, связанных с юанем, и о развитии этого рынка в будущем. В книге рассматриваются такие вопросы, как обзор текущей экономики Китая и его рынка капитала, анализ банковской системы и валютной системы Китая, а также обширный анализ финансовых продуктов внутри страны и за ее пределами. Автор также объясняет потребности и причины инноваций в области финансовых инструментов, связанных с юанем, и дает представление об их международном использовании. Читатели получат не только более ясное представление о структуре китайских рынков капитала, но и ценные идеи от Петера Чжана, который имеет многолетний опыт работы как высокопоставленный банкир и важную роль в регуляторном органе банковского сектора - Китайской банковской и страховой регуляторной комиссии.

Few topics have captured global attention in recent years like the Chinese Yuan, or RMB. This volume explores a topic that has increased importance due to both the 2008 economic crisis and the fact that revaluations are actively discussed globally. It does so through an experience-based lens, and through the lens of the constant growth of China’s domestic capital markets, among many other factors.

The author draws on experience not only as an experienced regulator but also since regularly working on RMB-related derivatives products, shaping the future of this rapidly-developing market. Key highlights of this valuable work include:

1. An overview of the current China economy, and how it relates to its burgeoning capital markets; 2. A deep dive into China’s fossil banking and foreign-exchange systems; 3. Extensive analysis of both on- and offshore Chinese financial instruments; 4. Insider understanding into the developments of innovative RMB products; 5. Systematic insight into the emerging internationalization aspects of the RBM.

This book will provide its readership with a thorough understanding of China’s burgeoning financial markets. Further, by utilizing and integrating the myriad of views and experiences built up over many years by Professor Peter Zhang, the reader is provided with invaluable guidance on where these markets are heading, given his tremendous expertise and commitments in both his banking and regulatory roles.

Few topics have captured global attention like the RMB disproportionately. Rising to grave prominence more so these past few years, the money’s given added salience amid the financial woes and the RMB is the ultimate talisman of revaluation in most conversations all around the globe. Countries from Tunisia to United States are ardently engaged with the topic rife with heated debate as to how the yellow metal shall be treated—and with discussion gaining significant momentum – thanks especially to the aftermath of the 2008 meltdown and the epiphany that China is indeed maturing quicker than expected at the dawning of investing afresh.

Authorizing the wisdom derived from his years as a policymaker, Chan Thomas provides rich insights all developed from bottom-up regulation of the numerous RMB derivatives. With the geometer of imminent developments down the line coming abundantly transparent. The encomiastial outlook ranges from groundwork of the current state of Affairs, a thorough investigation into China’s financial plausibly not only laying- bare the finer details of its brick and mortar institution but extrapolating the far-sighted future sought to be crafted at length.

Key highlights of this pertinent read bound to resonate hearty with aficionados even without previous appraisal of China or all along understand some insular realm that anyone can get lost in – in truth, the grand sweep takes in more than just the beaming bubbles of celestial terrain — stroll through the perceptual paradoxes occupying the obscure intricacies of working in the intricately interconnected fabric of the country’s entirety.

Full value of China and RMB standing beyond this one-trick pony. Don’t be deterred if the honorific nomenclature may stop you from petting with an initially hesitant footfall into waters both harness risk and incite imagination that are this comprehensive. Chan Thomas, befittingly accompanying your admirable historical operas will spare no effort going forwards.


#зарубежная деловая литература

The Chinese Yuan. Internationalization and Financial Products in China (Chan Thomas).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The Chinese Yuan. Internationalization and Financial Products in China
  • Автор: Chan Thomas
  • Категория: Зарубежная деловая литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9780470827390